Saturday 7 July 2012

[Travel] - Alcoy, Cebu

Life's a beach! 

I needed, really needed, to get to a warm, sunny place. I needed some beach time! Been eyeing to go to Alcoy due to the nice photos I saw about the place and boy was I right! I will let the photos speak of the beautiful place and how much fun we had. Hope I am not boring you with beach photos but by now you must have realized that I am very fond of lazing around in the beach. ^__^ 

  Thankful to God for this moments with my lovies and for keeping us safe the   entire trip. :)

Our dog's first road trip ever!

 lovin those blue skies! perfect day to hit the beach!

 my fave part : burying my feet in the sand

 woke up early the next day 

 mama enjoying the water

cuzzo Claire 

 Ragatogtoy went for a swim too!

I wish Dodong and Love was here :(

youngest and eldest bros

sizzling hot sissy!

showing me his tricks!

Dragon Ball Z fans haha!